Life Insurance Industry Comes Together for #LIAM22 Twitter Chat
Life Happens hosted a Life Insurance Awareness Month Twitter chat on September 15! The life insurance industry came together to drive valuable discussion about all things life insurance and key data from our recent 2022 Insurance Barometer Study conducted with LIMRA.
We discussed how the industry as a whole can move the needle toward getting more Americans fully insured. This chat educated Americans about how life insurance is a simple and affordable way to protect their loved ones’ financial futures.
Thanks to great participation from 85 unique authors, the hashtag #LIAM22Chats had 591 mentions garnering more than 18 million impressions between August 16 and September 15, 2022. Top authors included LIAM Spokesperson Roselyn Sánchez, New York Life, MassMutual, Erie Insurance, Pacific Life, Principal, Midland National Life Insurance Company, North American Company, Ameritas, Vicki Gunvalson, F&G, ACLI, NAIFA, Securian Financial, Legal & General America, Advocis, Finseca and LIMRA.
To visualize the conversation, check out this word cloud of keywords during the chat. (Source: Sprout Social)
If you would like to be the first to know about our annual Twitter Chats during Insure Your Love Month (in February) and Life Insurance Awareness Month (in September), please reach out to Corey Goodburn at cgoodburn@lifehappens.org.