Social Media During Social Distancing
The unprecedented current circumstances—from social distancing to quarantine—due to the Coronavirus, remind us of just how much life can change in an instant. Your clients are looking to you, their trusted advisor, for guidance during this stressful time. So, meet them where they are: online and on social media.
One important part of adapting is taking stock of your social-media channels. Here are five tips for adjusting your social-media strategy as we move through these uncertain times.
1. Review the social-media posts that you have scheduled or those you planned on sharing.
If you have social-media posts scheduled in advance, or have picked some from our monthly prewritten calendar of posts, they may have the wrong tone for the current situation. Evaluate the messaging in each post and decide if it suits the current climate. We recommend keeping uplifting and general educational content and scrapping anything particularly bleak, salesy or focused on specific products.
2. Reuse star performers that uplift your friends and followers.
With so much changing, make content creation easy on yourself. Reshare your most engaging content to stay active on social media without needing to reinvent the wheel. If you are a more seasoned social-media user, each platform has built-in analytics that can help you understand which posts perform the best for your audience. If not, you may have a general feel for which posts your friends and followers have really liked and engaged with in the past—reuse those!
3. Share inspirational content.
The social-media landscape is pretty overwhelming and negative right now. Take this time to share content that can be a small light in the darkness. We like posting inspirational quotes that are relatable and easily sharable to spread that positive message. Try adding these two from our Virtual Success Toolkit to your post schedule this week:
Caption: Why not text someone a “virtual hug”! What other ideas do you have for helping those who may feel lonely or isolated right now?
Caption: We firmly believe this! Let us know how we can help.
4. Build trust in the virtual world
This industry relies on face-to-face interaction, but when that isn’t possible, it’s important to remember that your job helping clients can still be done virtually. Take this opportunity to remind clients of the role you play in their lives and how you’re still here for them, albeit remotely. We’ve created these evergreen graphics to get you started:
Caption: Times are tough right now for all of us. But we are a team, so give us a call if you have questions or concerns!
Caption: Remember, it’s because of the “unknown” that we put all our strategies in place for you and your loved ones. Please call if you’d like to talk.
5. Keep communicating
Most importantly, keep reaching out to your audience. You might be tempted to take a break on social media, but continuing to share content can help provide a sense of normalcy for your clients. Keep the focus on them. Reassure your audience that everything you do daily is meant to protect them during unthinkable times like this one.
If you’d like access to our full library of resources with hundreds more social posts for insurance professionals, log in to your Life Happens Pro account.