Fostering Connections for Life Insurance Marketing
Jesse Markham, of Markham Insurance Services, is no stranger to the world of life insurance and Life Happens Pro.
As the son of one of Hawaii’s prior NAIFA state presidents, and now holding the title himself, it is fair to say that Jesse has experience marketing life insurance.
During a Life Happens dinner more than 10 years ago, Jesse met a participant of the Real Life Stories program from Hawaii that represented his marketing needs and piqued his interest.
Side Note: To learn more about the Real Life Stories program or to submit a story, click here.
“In Hawaii, we need stories that reflect our client base,” said Jesse. “What we liked about that Real Life Story is that it reflected a story similar to what our clients can relate to here.”
He has found that by forming relationships first, he is then able to educate people on life insurance opportunities outside of the insurance world.
“We represent several companies, but we’re company agnostic at the end of the day. But the concept of permanent insurance, term insurance, critical illness insurance or long-term care insurance is so important to get across. One of the strongest things about Life Happens for me is that it is purely educational for people who are not in our industry, and one of the best tools for us has been the life insurance needs calculator.”
“I always tell people to use those third-party resources because companies come and go, but the concept of different types of insurance doesn’t change. That’s what’s great about Life Happens content.”
If you would like to learn more about how to use educational content in your next marketing campaign, check out our playbook on using educational content.
Another tool Jesse has found to be incredibly useful has been social media.
“I think about people in their thirties who have lived with the internet their entire lives, and for the most part, they mix their personal and work life on social media. If you want to market to this generation, you have to go to the platforms they use on a regular basis.”
Quick Fact: Did you know you can connect your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles to automatically publish content from within Life Happens Pro? Check out our playbook on Digital Marketing.
“The stuff that agents see on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn is stuff that we already know because we've been in the business a long time, but it’s good to see it packaged a different way. As seemingly minor as it is, having content categorized by size and platform has been incredibly helpful. Just having a vehicle to hit the different mediums that content works in is wonderful.”
“What I like about Life Happens is that there is a good stream of information out there that we can use with our clients, future clients and consumers. The more we can educate people in general, the more it helps us as an industry.”
“There is a lot of family in our industry, and I am thankful for my father’s involvement with NAIFA, and NAIFA’s connection with Life Happens. Through these relationships, I was able to find the Real Life Stories.”
Not sure what to post next? View the different collections we offer:
Share this content with your audience to show how proper insurance can help protect a business—and the families who rely on it.
Share this content with your clients and prospects to help them understand the living benefits of life insurance.
Powerful stories from real people who used their insurance to continue on financially. Get the graphics, videos and flyers.
Help educate your audience on the importance of protecting their loved ones with life insurance by sharing content that resonates with young families.
Use this content that speaks directly to the Black community and addresses common myths and misconceptions about life insurance.