Introducing the Life Happens Ambassador Program
Life Happens is excited to announce Panos Leledakis has been selected as its first International Ambassador.
Panos will be working with Life Happens and the team behind Life Happens Pro in identifying other financial service professionals across the globe that believe in our mission: to inspire the public to take personal financial responsibility through the ownership of life insurance and related products.
Panos and Life Happens will begin working with those selected in September, to spread the message of Life Insurance Awareness Month. This will be done through a series of educational webinars and social media promotion.
Those selected will receive a presence on LifeHappensPro.org, in addition to being able to promote their belief in our mission via a sharable social graphic.
Contact Nate McGrath, AVP of Strategy and Product for more info.
More information will be coming over the course of the next few months.
Panos Leledakis biography
Panos Leledakis—A pioneer in the insurance industry and expert in the topic of millennials, digital transformation, internet marketing strategy and new technologies in the insurance industry.
He has a vast 20 years’ experience in the field as a top awarded insurance consultant (MDRT member & COT) and manager.
Leledakis invented two innovative software for insurance needs analysis, by implementing the science of risk management, artificial intelligence and extensive neuroscience research on risk perception and decision making. The software received many innovation awards from significant organizations like GFEL (among the Best 50 Companies in Education Globally), MIT University (MIT Enterprise Forum Greece), Best Insurance & Finance Advisor Training Institute 2020 award from Corporate Vision – London, 1st Innovation prize from Chamber of industrialists in Cyprus, Europe start-up awards and global "Get in the ring" contest.
As an international public speaker with extensive experience and hundreds of hours at big stages around the world, he's characterized by his motivational & passionate way of expression. Leledakis Holds certifications from LUTCF, IRMA, BRMA, and ongoing studies at PRMIA (professional risk management association).
In addition, he holds the Management of Small and Medium enterprises certification and has attended many sales, management, and self–improvement seminars in Greece and abroad.
Leledakis also Served as president of the Panhellenic Association of Insurance Consultants from 2015 until 2019 and member of MCC MDRT Greece.
Currently, he is the president and CEO of IFAAcademy (International Financial Architects) an educational & research organization focusing on the global insurance market specialized in the education and training of insurance and financial consultants with presence in Canada, New York, Great Britain, Greece & Cyprus. Members of the Board of Advisors of IFAAcademy are key members of the Greek and international market.
His vision is to upgrade the insurance institution to the position it deserves and appoint the insurance consultant as a "Risk Management Scientist" for individuals & businesses by creating the professional of the future: the new specialty of "Insurable Risk Manager".