4 Easy Ways to Launch Your DIAM Campaign
Life Happens created and coordinates the Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM) campaign every May because disability insurance is arguably the most misunderstood of all major insurances.
In a year when a global pandemic has changed the fabric of life as we know it, it’s more important than ever to emphasize how disability insurance is vital if you work and rely on your income. It’s a crucial part of a “preparation kit” against the unexpected. This year’s theme is: Reality Check: Life is unexpected. You need to protect your most valuable asset—your income.
DIAM officially launches in May, but it's time to start planning now! Sharing content that’s educational and easily digestible on social media is one of the best ways to raise awareness about disability insurance. Here are a few of our favorite resources to get you started.
1. Use the new Disability Insurance 101 video and brochure.
Many people aren’t really familiar with what disability insurance is or why it’s important. Our newest 101 video is one info-packed minute about the basics. The video has been completely refreshed to better educate people on the importance of protecting their paycheck, and we have a new brochure to go with it. Both of these resources focus on simplicity to break down what disability insurance is and who needs it.
2. Share DIAM Spokesperson Scott Rider’s Real Life Story.
As a former financial advisor, Scott Rider was fortunate to understand how important it was to protect his income with disability insurance. His healthy life changed when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at just 47, but thankfully, Scott had the safety net of disability insurance, which allowed his family to maintain the lifestyle they’ve always known. Check out Scott’s Real Life Story videos, flyers, and quote graphics and share his powerful story as a reminder to your clients that life is unexpected—but you can prepare for it.
3. Go all-in with the Reality Check theme.
Recent Life Happens research found that without disability insurance, 50% of Americans said they would use their savings to help them meet their expenses if they were unable to work due to illness or injury. This year’s theme reinforces the straightforward message of why it’s so important to protect your income with disability insurance: It’s your most valuable asset. New resources include myths, facts, email templates, and more to highlight that having the ability to work isn’t always a given, and consumers need to plan for those what-ifs.
4. Start scheduling the May social media calendar.
One of the easiest ways to start preparing for DIAM is to schedule the posts using our monthly social-media calendar. Consistency on social media is key to success. That’s why we’ve planned out a suggested post for each weekday in May with a graphic and caption. Instead of wondering what to post each day and losing out on chances to communicate with your audience, you can just copy, paste, and schedule.
Agent subscribers to Life Happens Pro can view the DIAM resources by clicking here.
If you access Life Happens Pro through your company’s Home Office Account, you can view the DIAM resources by clicking here.