Life Insurance Industry Comes Together for #InsureYourLove Twitter Chat
Life Happens celebrated Insure Your Love month with a Twitter chat on February 11! The life insurance industry came together to drive valuable discussion about our latest study, “Life’s New Appreciations.”
The pandemic has helped many of us appreciate the little things more than ever, those small wins that carry us through a tough time. The chat served as a timely reminder that life insurance is a simple act of love you can take today to ensure your loved ones are protected financially tomorrow.
Thanks to the great participation from 106 different users, the hashtag #InsureYourLoveChat had 395 mentions garnering more than 4.3 million impressions between January 26 and February 16, 2021. Top authors included State Farm, Principal, ERIE, Lincoln Financial, Prudential, NAIFA, LIMRA, Alliance for Lifetime Income, and ACLI.
To visualize the conversation, check out this word cloud of our top keywords during the chat. (Source: Brandwatch)
Plus, all of the new “Life’s New Appreciations” survey graphics used during the chat are available now on Life Happens Pro. Get the resources.