Join Life Happens for a Special Twitter Chat During Insure Your Love
Join Life Happens for a Twitter Chat during Insure Your Love month. We’ll discuss new data that shows Americans are shifting their priorities and focusing on financial security in response to COVID-19.
The pandemic has helped many of us appreciate the little things more than ever, those small wins that carry us through a tough time. We hope this chat serves as a reminder that life insurance is a simple act of love you can take today to ensure your loved ones are protected financially tomorrow. We anticipate plenty of activity from consumers, the media, insurance companies, agents and advisors.
Date: Thursday, February 11 from 1 to 2 p.m. EST
Where: Join us on Twitter using your personal handle or your company's handle.
Hashtag: Use and follow #InsureYourLoveChat during the above timeframe
Life Happens will moderate the discussion and drive the conversation on Twitter using the questions and statistics below. Pass your answers through company compliance beforehand if needed. Remember, you’ll have to use the #InsureYourLoveChat hashtag in each tweet.
All statistics below come from the study “Life’s New Appreciations,” Life Happens, 2021.
Q1: The pandemic has shifted our priorities, helping us appreciate the little things and small wins. What are some small wins people can accomplish financially that might be simpler than they think? #InsureYourLoveChat
Q2: Three quarters of Americans agreed that it’s important for them to get their finances in order this year. How can they best start working toward that goal? #InsureYourLoveChat
Q3: We found that 58% of Americans said COVID-19 has drastically changed which milestones they’d like to accomplish in life. Does this statistic surprise you? #InsureYourLoveChat
Q4: Some traditional milestones like marriage and having children are less of a focus this year. Meanwhile, achieving financial security is still at the top. What changes have you noticed in the way people approach their overall financial picture? #InsureYourLoveChat
Q5: Over half (55%) of Americans said this past year was the first time they spoke with a loved one about life insurance. What would you say to help that other 45% get the conversation started with their loved ones? #InsureYourLoveChat
Q6: Americans had more financial discussions over the last year, which included the need for their significant other to buy life insurance and reviewing their existing policy. How are you raising awareness about life insurance this month? #InsureYourLoveChat
And don’t forget, we have hundreds of resources for Insure Your Love month available on Life Happens Pro. Get started with the campaign now and participate all month long using #InsureYourLove on social media.