It's Time to Talk About Disability Insurance
Now in its 15th year, Life Happens created and coordinates the Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM) campaign each May to bring awareness to consumers about the importance of protecting their paycheck with disability insurance.
It can often be misunderstood, but disability insurance is vital if you work and rely on your income. In a year when a global pandemic has changed the fabric of life as we know it, our campaign theme “Reality Check” is more relevant than ever. The message is straightforward: Life is unexpected. You need to protect your most valuable asset—your income.
Join us in sharing the importance of disability insurance this month by using our 120+ resources on Life Happens Pro. These include:
- A brand-new Disability Insurance 101 video and brochure that quickly and effectively cover the basics
- DIAM Spokesperson Scott Rider’s Real Life Story of how disability insurance helped maintain his lifestyle after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease at age 47
- “Reality Check” themed content that emphasizes just how important it is to protect your income like you would protect your other assets
- Email templates and flyers
- A full month of social-media content in an easy-to-use calendar of suggested posts (don’t forget to use the #DIAM21 hashtag!)
- Our webinar and marketing guide for campaign planning tips
Agent subscribers to Life Happens Pro can view the DIAM resources by clicking here.
If you access Life Happens Pro through your company’s Home Office Account, you can view the DIAM resources by clicking here.