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The Life Happens Pro Blog

The go-to place for insurance industry tips and best practices.

Life Lessons Scholarship Program

Meet our Life Lessons Scholarship Recipients

Like many of you, I didn’t know where 2020 would take us. By mid-March, along with many in our industry and the world at large, Life Happens was fully remote. There was uncertainty everywhere you looked. Internally, we wondered how this would affect our Life Lessons Scholarship program, which relies on sponsorships from...

Long-Term Care Insurance Awareness Month

Introducing New Resources for Long-Term Care Insurance Awareness Month

Our latest resources for Long-Term Care Insurance Awareness Month are sure to be the right fit for consumers all through the month of November. Below are three reasons why you should get the word out about long-term care insurance, according to the 2020 Insurance Barometer Study by...

The Life Happens Pro Blog

The Life Happens Pro Blog is the go-to place for tips and best practices for using the Life Happens Pro resources, plus you’ll get sales advice and industry insight from some of the top advisors in the business.