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The Life Happens Pro Blog

The go-to place for insurance industry tips and best practices.


An Important Conversation About Life Insurance and COVID-19 with Lincoln Financial

Faisa Stafford, president and CEO of Life Happens, and Stafford Thompson, Jr., SVP of life product management for Lincoln Financial Group, discuss recent survey findings from both organizations that show consumers think life insurance is more important to own now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Watch the conversation by...

Life Insurance Awareness Month

Life Insurance Industry Comes Together for #LIAM20 Twitter Chat

Life Happens kicked off Life Insurance Awareness Month with a Twitter chat on September 2! The life insurance industry came together to drive valuable discussion about our latest study, “Tough Talks During COVID-19.” The pandemic has been a reality check, making many of us seriously consider our mortality for the...

The Life Happens Pro Blog

The Life Happens Pro Blog is the go-to place for tips and best practices for using the Life Happens Pro resources, plus you’ll get sales advice and industry insight from some of the top advisors in the business.