Your Clients Need Disability Insurance—Are You Prepared to Help Them?
Disability insurance is an important and necessary safeguard to protect against the unthinkable happening, but many consumers don’t have it or have clearly insufficient coverage. It’s important to convey to your clients and prospects the importance of disability insurance. Here are a few myths you can bust to reinforce how essential protecting the ability to earn a living is for your clients.
While many believe that they don’t need disability insurance because they have it through work, or because they don’t work in a dangerous profession, we know that this is not true. Many people significantly underestimate just how much protection they truly need. And no matter what field your clients work in, accidents can happen anywhere and anytime.
Another common misconception that consumers believe is that they can rely on workers’ compensation if they get sick or injured. But as we know, this doesn’t always work well long-term for many people for a variety of reasons. Many believe that illness or injury will never touch them, but according to the Social Security Administration, 1 in 4 of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled at some point in their career. Sometimes just sharing powerful statistics like this one can help your clients realize the severity of lack of coverage.
Everything from paying the mortgage to saving for a child’s college education depends on your clients’ ability to earn money from their jobs. Their paycheck is truly their most valuable asset. Seeing the reality of their daily needs and identifying how difficult life could become with a loss of income could make all the difference in helping them realize they need to secure their family’s financial future.
Be sure to start talking to your clients about this important protection product through the remainder of Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM)… and every other month. There are many Life Happens resources that can help you connect with each of your clients. Since no two clients are the same, Life Happens resources can help you find the right resources to help your clients understand how disability insurance makes life possible in uncertain times.